- MELAcontrol Helix - Helix type test instrument according to EN 867-5
MELAcontrol Helix - Helix type test instrument according to EN 867-5
Helix PCD indicators according to EN 867-5 play a special role in the routine control of steam penetration inside tubular instruments during the sterilization process. Inert gases inside products with a narrow cross-section (e.g., Type A hollow charges according to EN 13060) will block the access of water vapor to the inner surfaces of tubular instruments and cause the sterilization process, even with the appropriate parameters maintained, to be inappropriate for those spaces that have not been wetted by condensate. The Helix PCD instrument can simulate not only the tool but the entire load inside the sterilizer and can therefore be used to inspect the load.
Package contains PCD device + 250 tests