- BOWIE-DICK 134C/3.5 min TEST. Set: test device and strip tests. Package contains PCD device + 250 tests
BOWIE-DICK TEST 3.5 min/134°C
Kit containing device and strip tests
Autoclave performance checks are performed using the BOWIE & DICK test. Bowie-dick tests should be performed daily (before starting work), as well as after each repair/service, after moving the device to another location, and after any prolonged idleness.
Batch control - BOWIE-DICK test- indicator in class 2 technology. Tests are designed for 134°C / 3.5 min sterilization.
System for daily steam quality control in vacuum autoclaves. Designed to accurately check vapor penetration and behavior of all Bowie-Dick cycle parameters. The Bowie Dick test consists of a white polypropylene bulb for chemical strip tests, which is connected to a 1.5m Teflon tube. Bowie Dick test prematurely detects abnormalities during Bowie Dick test cycles, faults that are caught are:
- sterilization at too low a temperature
- sterilization keeps too short a time
- insufficient vacuum value and number of vacuum pulses
- insufficient removal of air from the depths of the equipment
- insufficient steam penetration in hollow equipment
- leakage from pipeline / valves / door seals
- detection of the presence of a small volume of inert gases in the vapor supply
- detection of excessive condensate
BOWIE-DICK test consists of the following:
- 1 piece of Helix device (screw-on polypropylene tube with Teflon tubing with a length of. 1,5m)
- self-adhesive chemical strip indicators (ISO 11140-1 class 2)
- 1 pc. cotton bag
- 1 pc. instruction with illustrated color change of indicator
Each strip of the blue chemical indicator is 6 mm wide and 38 mm long (entire test including description 7.6 cm). After a proper process, the indicator will turn from blue to pink.
BDHT is located in a cardboard box with dimensions of 178 x 125 x 50mm (D x S x W).
The label on the package includes: product description, contents of the carton, reference number, LOT number, production date, expiration date.
How to use and read the results
After 3.5 minutes at 134°C, the color changes from blue to pink. The behavior of the indicator depends on time, temperature, saturated steam properties, correct vacuum and autoclave tightness. The minimum exposure requirements for a specific shift are: 134°C (+1.5K / -00.0K) dry saturated steam, 3.5 minutes.
Application area
Steam sterilizers of all types.
Package contains PCD device + 250 tests.